Saturday, April 03, 2010

I know, I promised a completely different subject. And I will eventually get to it, scouts’ honor. But there is something about this, that has really gotten to me. It’s a horrible thing, and I am going to say something very important first. I do NOT condone the abhorrent act this young man committed. There is NO excuse for what he did to that girl. None whatsoever. That being said, I’m going to get to the point of my little rant. Be warned, I’m going to cuss. A lot.

When in the hell did it become okay to mock someone about their recently deceased relative? When did that become acceptable in today’s society? The boy found his only brother hanging from a GODDAMNED tree, for fuck’s sake. And I know that I’m an old fogey, and I’m old fashioned compared to the youth of today. But when I was younger, suicide wasn’t really talked about. It wasn’t quite a taboo, it just wasn’t brought up. I think, and I could be remembering wrong, that there was a man in our neighborhood that shot himself in the head. He had children, if I recall correctly. Now, had I made fun of one of those kids, my mom and dad would have whooped my ass, I wouldn’t have been able to sit down for weeks. And I'd have deserved it, for being such a shithead. I don't care who you are, or who you think you are, but that kind of behavior is out of line.

Although, I don’t think the idea would have occurred to me. Maybe it's because I was raised with compassion. Or it’s because I was taught to mind my own fucking business. Seriously. If I didn’t like a guy my friend dated, I might comment to her about it. But otherwise, it wasn’t my business. I wouldn’t have brought that up to the guy. It would not be my place. As long as no one was being hurt, I’d have the decency to stay the fuck out of it.

And sure, I’ve said things in the heat of the moment that I didn’t really mean. Everybody has, at one time or another. I’ve said things that later on, I cringe about. But I cannot recall ever pulling such a low blow. A comment like what was said to that boy was completely out of line. As I said earlier, that still does not excuse his behavior, nothing does.

There’s one other thing that bugs me about this whole thing. Why the hell didn’t the girl go to the office and talk to someone in authority? Now, call me a coward if you will, but if I’d just deliberately poked someone’s button and they’d told me “I’m coming over there to snap your neck.” I’d be booking for help. I do have a couple of theories on the why; one, she didn’t think he was serious and/or two, she was ashamed.

I hope this girl recovers fully. I hope and pray for her family. And I hope that people will learn from this, and start thinking about what they say, before something like this happens again.

This is Wesfan, signing out.

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